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Opportunity Scholarship (LB 753)
Previous LB 753 Recipients
Incoming kindergarten students
Transfers from public school
Apply here:
Additional Qualifiers
Students from families earning ≤100% of the Federal Poverty Level or meeting specific criteria* (e.g., IEP, military connection, bullying, foster care, or denied option enrollment).
Students from families earning 101%-185% of the Federal Poverty Level (Reduced Lunch qualifier).
Students from families earning 186%-213% of the Federal Poverty Level (CHIP qualifier).
Students from families earning 214%-300% of the Reduced Lunch income guideline.
Children's Scholarship of Omaha
Kindergarten-8th grade students.
Awarded St. John families $37,300 since 2022-23.
Applications are available here.
Skip to the St. John / Lawson Walz Scholarship only if:
You are above the CSF income guidelines
You are seeking assistance for a preschool student
You are applying after the cut-off date
St. John / Lawson Walz Scholarship
Preschool-8th grade students
Has awarded $59,200 since 2022-23.
It’s income-based, but able to scholarship beyond the CSF limitations.
Apply Here
I think a young family, that is like, "can we really make this work financially?"
It pays for it self in many ways, and then some!
-Travis Humphrey, Former St. John Parent